Specialties: Antiques, Furniture, Art, Estate Jewelry, Decorative items, Silver, Clocks
Personal Property Appraisers
Tribal, Pre-Colombian, Native American, Oceanic, Islamic, Antiquities and Collectibles (Toys, Dolls, Lead Soldiers)
Forensic Valuation Consultants and Appraisers OfFine Art, Antiques, Decorative Arts And Tangible Personal Property
Art of Estates is an appraisal firm specializing in personal property providing professional evaluations, consulting, estimates, reviewing, and creating formal appraisal report services on entire estates, collections, and single items of property.
Fine Art Appraisal and Advisory services for collectors. We serve collectors, estate planners, insurance professionals, lawyers, wealth advisors, corporate collections, foundations, museums and trusts. An experienced art advisor and appraiser, we are a member of the American Appraisers Association and Association of Professional Art Advisors and offer personalised consulting.