Business Asset Valuation Training

AppraiserCore partnered with Debra Baker to provide our appraiser members with an exclusive offer to revamp their appraisal business. Debra Baker is an expert in all machinery and equipment appraisals, and now you can be too. AppraiserCore provides an exclusive discount on this business asset valuation training so that your business can grow along with your skills. With this webinar training, you can expand your business, supplement your appraisal knowledge, and earn more money in the process! Machinery and equipment appraisals allow you to access another section of the appraiser market and keep up with all of your clients’ needs.

Why would someone need an equipment appraisal?

The following are only some of the groups or situations in which someone would need your equipment appraisal expertise:


  • Collateral and SBA loans
  • Refinancing
  • Property appraisals that have equipment


  • Business valuations
  • Buy/sell agreements
  • Converting from a C corporation to an S corporation
  • Estates and trusts
  • Tax and accounting


  • Divorce
  • Partnership dissolution
  • Bankruptcy
  • Business litigation

Others still:

  • Business owners
  • Business brokers
  • Business valuation professionals
  • Commercial property appraisers
  • Auctioneers
  • Commercial insurance
  • City assessors
  • Property assessors

How can equipment appraisal fit into my business?

A great way to expand your business when adding new skills is by applying those new skills to your existing customers. There are only approximately 3,000 individuals who know how to value equipment and are certified Machinery & Equipment Appraisers in the U.S. This market is available for anyone with the time and willingness to expand their business and stay ahead of the competition. Learning how to evaluate equipment and machinery can add another facet of your business that you can provide to your customers. Additionally, since there is less competition at the equipment and machinery level of appraisals, you have more freedom to decide how that facet of your business is managed.

When growing your business and expanding your skillset, you have to start somewhere! That is why AppraiserCore has made it easy to take the next step towards business development with this discount on the Equipment & Machinery Appraisal Training program.

The necessary steps toward business development through Debra Baker’s Machinery & Equipment Appraisal training are as follows:

  • A Free Introduction to Equipment Appraisal
  • Equipment Appraisal 101: 5-hour interactive webinar for $595.00
    • In this training, you’ll receive guidance on the USPAP 7 & 8 overview, bidding an assignment, data collection, marketing, securing assignments, and much more.
  • Equipment Appraisal 201: 8-hour interactive webinar
    • This training will focus on going forward from overview of Equipment 101 briefly, data collection through research, USPAP 8, integrating Collectorpro into a report, marketing, and much more.

If you’re ready to unlock your business’ potential, sign up today for Debra Baker’s Machinery & Equipment Appraisal Training Program. Follow  ***For Appraiser Members Only - Claim or add your appraising practice listing to AppraiserCore to take advantage of this benefit! ***